All about R M Jarvis Photography

Analogue by birth, digital by evolution, dabbling with my roots again. Travel and Transport photography by choice, I hate just sitting around at home and could spend days in an airport, harbour, railway or bus station people watching... Where are they going? Where have they been? What do they do? How much is in that wallet they just dropped??

Rules are made to be broken, or at least bent so I do not necessarily follow them all (or any), all (or some) of the time. My photos are initially for me, and if you like them as well then that is a bonus.

All photos in these Galleries, Portfolios and Reportages are copyright and may not be copied or used anywhere in any form without permission. Please enquire for prices of prints or usage rights. All photographs can be supplied in a variety of resolutions and sizes and are mostly sold as JPEG images but RAW images are available of some photographs.